Reblog: It Only Takes 12

I’ve started a Tumblr.  It’s here:

Here was the first post, which I think is worth sharing here too:

The Conservative Party of Canada was elected to a majority government in May of 2011 with 39.62% of the popular vote.  While the nature of our electoral system means their actions are legitimate and democratic, we’re pretty sure there are at least some CPC MPs and voters who aren’t happy.

Small-g green Conservatives must know the government’s support of the tarsands and pipeline projects, and branding of those opposed to these as “radicals,” is counterproductive.

“Small government” Conservatives and libertarian-Conservatives who support the party on eliminating the long-form census and long-gun registry are surely taking issue with the privacy-invading measures in Bill C-30.

Conservatives who support finding efficiencies in government spending must take offense to the wasted tax dollars being spent on helicopters for Peter MacKay and glowsticks for Toronto police officers.

There are so many other policies and bills coming forward or in the process now that are sure to irritate one faction or another in the Conservative Party of Canada.

The Westminster system means that Canadians elect MPs. Those MPs are members of parties, but there is no requirement that MPs always vote the same way as their party – unless the party forces them to through a whipped vote.  Conservative MPs who are unhappy with their party’s policies have a choice.  They can vote against their party. And if the party forces a whipped vote, they can choose to leave the party.

So we’re encouraging CPC MPs to do one or more of the following:

  • Defy the party whip. Stand up on behalf of your constituents in opposition to the parts of your party’s actions that you disagree with.
  • Leave the party and sit as an independent MP, so you are no longer forced to vote in support of issues you disagree with.
  • Leave the party and join another political party, if you feel it better aligns itself with your views.
  • Speak up in caucus against your leaders. You are elected representatives and it is your role to challenge your party leaders and participate in the democratic processes.

It only takes 12 Conservative Party of Canada MPs to vote against or leave their party to change things.  There are 308 seats in the House of Commons, 165 of which are held by Conservatives, one of whom is the speaker and only votes in a tie situation.  That would leave the CPC with only 153 votes of 307.

Of course, the more MPs that can be convinced to change their minds, the better. The one independent is a former Conservative who left the party to avoid embarrassing it and will likely vote with the CPC on most issues, so on any given vote more opposition may be required.

What can I do?

If you live in a Conservative riding, or even if you don’t, email your MP and other Conservative Party of Canada MPs telling them how you feel. Point out to them the inconsistencies in their government’s policies and why you feel they should oppose their actions.  Show them that their party is not doing what’s best for them and their constituents, and convince them that they can make a positive change before it’s too late!

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